I've observed (numerous) “video” training tapes, and been in attendance at more than several Lectures (ie. “seminars). What I (more often than not) “get” from them, amounts to a desire (by the lecturer) to believe (without question) “what-ever” they, the presenter, is “selling”(most often “literally”) to the attendee's. Very often, these presented “concepts”, depend on some “theory” that the presenter has “come up with”. Often (IMO, too often) these are “based” on (some form of) “vague” Chinese Medicine Theories. Which, only means that YOU, can't (really) cross-check the information with any “reliable” sources (to validate any authenticity to the claim). If you do actually “research” the TCM “theory” part of it all, you (fairly quickly) discover that there is/are MANY conflicting concepts in that whole “theorem” (TCM).You can learn a lot from this guy's blog. It's well worth your time, if you are at all interested in old Okinawan karate.
RyuTe is NOT based on, nor does it utilize any of those (or similar) concepts in it's instruction. Taika's only remark of those theory's is “Bull****” (or, more accurately,”Buu-****”,LOL).
Their “prominence”(of use), more illustrates the (complete) lack of real “study” or practice by those individual's(ie. It's easier to blame a bad “Ki” flow, than to admit to a bad technique “execution”).
By the same token, techniques that depend on (only) physical “strength” to be effective, are of little use (to the average student). Granted, “strength” is an admirable attribute to have, but is “hardly” any guarantee of successful technique execution and can ( from my own observations) even prove to be a detriment to the initial “learning” process.
The Importance of Baptism as Christ's Ordinance
11 months ago
For too long modern martial artist have hidden in ancient Chinese or Japanese terms their lack of understanding. I avoid the term Chi or Ki, as it adds a mystical, almost magical element into the art. We are much better served as defining things in terms of anatomy, physiology, and physics. An interesting exercise can be undertaken with a Webster’s dictionary…the Chinese character Chi translates to spirit, Webster defines spirit (definition 4) as “Breath.” So rather than speak of chi, I speak of breath and physics. If its real, it works because of physics, not mystical power.