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Friday, October 2, 2009

Excellent Article on Man's Rights

A right is the sovereignty to act without the permission of others. The concept of a right carries with it an implicit, unstated footnote: you may exercise your rights as long as you do not violate the same rights of another—within this context, rights are an absolute.

A right is universal—meaning: it applies to all men, not just to a few. There is no such thing as a "right" for one man, or a group of men, that is not possessed by all. This means there are no special "rights" unique to women or men, blacks or white, the elderly or the young, homosexuals or heterosexuals, the rich or the poor, doctors or patients or any other group.

A right must be exercised through your own initiative and action. It is not a claim on others. A right is not actualized and implemented by the actions of others. This means you do not have the right to the time in another person’s life. You do not have a right to other people’s money. You do not have the right to another person’s property. If you wish to acquire some money from another person, you must earn it—then you have a right to it. If you wish to gain some benefit from the time of another person’s life, you must gain it through the voluntary cooperation of that individual—not through coercion. If you wish to possess some item of property of another individual, you must buy it on terms acceptable to the owner—not gain it through theft.


Statists have corrupted the actual meaning of a right and have converted it, in the minds of most, into its opposite: into a claim on the life of another. With the growth of statism, over the past few decades, we have seen an explosion of these "rights"—which, in fact, have gradually eroded your actual right to your life, money and property.

Statists declare you have a "right" to housing, to a job, to health care, to an education, to a minimum wage, to preferential treatment if you are a minority and so on.


Under statism, "rights" are a means of enslavement: it places a mortgage on your life—and statists are the mortgage holders, on the receiving end of unearned payments forcibly extracted from your life and your earnings. You do not have a right to your life, others do. Others do not have a right to their lives, either, but you have a "right" to theirs.
There's more, of course, and I recommend you read it. I would add only (at this point--I've only read it once) that rights, starting with your right to life, are, as the Declaration of Independence says, a gift of God. You have them because God says you do. Where there are any limitations, they are likewise to be found in the decrees of God, that is, that is why governments can legitimately collect taxes for legitimate--that is, God-ordained--functions. God instituted government, and authorizes taxation to support it.

But taxation for any governmental purpose beyond those legitimate functions, the principle one of which is to act as God's minister for justice, that is, to protect man's rights? I'm very tempted to call that theft.

1 comment:

  1. I find it a little disturbing that he listed “life, money, and property” as what it seems to be his idea of the big three rights. I thought that those were “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
